大方典雅 舞动人生 GENEROUS ELEGANT 新贵法式的家装空间 处处弥漫着高贵典雅的气息 随时可上演一场精彩的钢琴舞会 纵然在这钢筋水泥的城市中 也能将生活过着浪漫又自在 Even in this city of steel and cement Can also lead a romantic and comfortable life 精雕细琢 法式浪漫 EXQUISITE ROMANCE 摈弃传统法式的繁杂 承袭法式浪漫的精髓 标志性的法式雕花 赋予空间优雅矜贵的气质 彰显出高级的审美意趣 Abandoning the complexity of traditional French style Inheriting the essence of French romance 张弛有道 雅俗共享 RELAXATION WARMTH 缪斯灰和爵士白相互糅合 宛若公主穿着骑士服 举手投足间彰显优雅和贵气 搭配清新的艺术花卉 高级气质中不乏活泼俏皮 Muse Grey and Jazz White blend and contrast each othe rLike a princess wearing a knightly uniform 艺术融合 美学生活 ART AESTHETICS 色彩轻奢优雅 线条婉转悠扬 材质肌理间融合碰撞 经典与前卫相融 将美的意蕴一脉相承 The fusion and collision between materials and textures Presenting a rich artistic sense of hierarchy